While the MLS aims to cater to primary, middle, and high school students, our tiny tots are not ignored; we have the Finnish Learning Space. As Silicon City Academy has adopted the Finnish pedagogy, earning the name of being the state’s first Finnish school, the Finnish education believes that early learning, as early as age three, is when children’s minds absorb information from their surroundings. And the FLS is the right place to assess the young minds’ interests and inclination.
This pedagogy has five dimensions that helps both the teacher and the parent to assess the child’s innate abilities and likes.
i) Rich world of Languages, ii) Diverse forms of Expression, iii) Me and My Community, iv) Exploring and Interacting with my Environment and v) I Grow, Move and Develop. The Pedagogy is not restricted only to a particular age group of children. Even high school students are benefitting from the different learning methodology.